Saturday, June 18, 2011

1 day late,

YESTERDAY was our daughters 21st birthday, and I DO usually blog on the actual day, but it was so hectic yesterday, I didnt have a chance to sit and collect my thoughts. So here goes, little guuuurl!

Dearest Ashlee Marie,

The day you were born was a beautiful sunny day in the DC area and it was fathers day(Yes, I get dad the BEST gifts, right?) It was also the 1st birth daddy got to witness(he was in basic for the birth of Nicholas) We were sooo young and had NO idea what it was going to be like to have a 12 month old and a newborn, but we quickly figured it out, LOL...When Maj Strange handed you to me, I just bawled, dad bawled, but not you.. Oh no, you looked at us as if to say, " listen bitches, im the new sheriff in town and im going to run the show! You were partially right in most of that. We NEVER thought we would ever have a girl, so you were quite a surprise! You were sooo tiny and just perfect. So, we took you home to introduce you to your big brother and he really wasnt toooo sure about you. Everytime YOU cried, he quivered his lip and cried too-awww.. It has been an adventure raising you, somedays I wanted to hug you because I just adored you, other days I wanted to hug you so hard you would pass out until you were 29! LOL.. You have become such a wonderful woman, daughter, sister, wife. Daddy and I are just in awe when we look at you. So beautiful inside and out and we adore your determined mind. Im proud of you for all you have done and look forward to see all that you will do. Its amazing to see you as a mother now and what a good job you and Blake are doing to raise her and show her the love and patience that kids deserve. We love you,

Hugs and kisses,

Mamma and daddy!

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