This is Dominic Gianluca.. Dominic is our 5th child, we tried for him for 3.5 years, so he was quite a surprise!!! Just when we had given up hope to have more children. We hadn't had a baby in 12 years so it was like starting all over again. He was born in Lich Germany in a German hospital(he was the ONLY one of our 6 kids to NOT be born in a military hospital, so it was a new experience for us in many ways. He is by FAR, my favorite child-Why you ask? Well, from my 1st contraction to his delivery was 1 hour and 13 minutes and he was born at 1:13pm LOL so a whopping 1 hour labor and delivery, HAHAH.. YAY ME! So he was 6 weeks old for his 1st PCS to Ft Leonard Wood Missouri. He has been the happiest kiddo I have ever known. He is very mellow and has a VERY OLD soul. Like old as in seen it all and has experienced 100 years of life in 7 years, LOL.. From a young infant it felt like he was totally intune to peoples moods, it was odd, but cute. He has a very deep soul. He has been through deployments, and everything else MOST military kids go through and has come out of it like a champ. He and Roman won't have the same Army Brat life that their older siblings have experienced. Sal retires in 2 years and for the rest of their childhood they will be "regulars". Dominic LOVEs being the big brother to Roman and if you ask him who his best friend is, he will say "RORO". Dominic thinks everyones daddy or mommy is a 1SG and he refers to everyone as 1SG, LOL.. When we go through the gates, he asks ALOT, "Are those daddy's workers?" He clearly has a HIGH opinion of his daddio! We have really enjoyed being in his life and can't wait to see what he becomes. Im guessing a politician... I am beyond happy that our children have grown up in this life, they have been around such diversity, which is such a wonderful thing. Military kids are lucky in that they are around just about EVERY culture and ethnicities and they have to make friends very quickly. This is their normal.
Aw...the 2nd picture is on the blankie we got him!