Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day..

Memorial Day is a special moment to me, but should be a wonderful moment to every American. It was at the cost of MANY amazing Americans that we can say whats in our hearts and minds, we can disagree and even love whomever and believe however, with freedom. I have personally known some of these wonderful men and women that paid the ultimate price for this freedom I love.

I also am married to a wonderful patriot. Sal is a great American. I am sure when he reads this he will be very modest and say to me "my sexy mama is crazy" and then he will walk over to me and kiss me on my forehead, LOL.. I also have men and women in my life who serve as well, they know who they are and why we love them. We have been blessed to have amazing people in our military family and our lives would never have been the same without them. My father and stepfather and sooo many other family members have served and still serve-It makes me proud beyond words.

To the many of our fallen, the Urzi Family salutes you. I can never know what posesses someone to join the military and go into battle-KNOWING full well at any given moment you could make that sacrifice that we remember today. You, the fallen have been in our prayers and thoughts daily as well as the loved ones you left behind. Thank you for making my opinions okay to voice and for the many other voices in this country. Thank you for being the steele fabric in this beautiful country's quilt.

I hope those of you today, while you are BBQing and having a wonderful time with friends and family, that you take a few moments to remember those that served and still serving and will NOT be spending this wonderful day safely at home.

On thy grave the rain shall fall from the eyes of a mighty nation! ~Thomas William Parsons

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